Toronto residential gardens can be planted with a variety of shrubs that not only offer beauty in the garden, but stunning floral arrangements to be enjoyed in any season. Select a variety of shrubs that bloom at different times within a season and also choose a variety of shapes and colours to ensure your arrangements have contrasting elements. Here are a few selections good for using in arrangements that you may want to consider when you are replacing or adding to your gardens. The Forsythia is a very early spring blooming shrub. A single branch of this yellow blooming shrub will fill your home with spring. Cut the branch when the blooms are just about to bloom. Hamamelis is another shrub that blooms even earlier – in February and March and it has similar blooms to the Forsythia. Mock Orange is a very hardy shrub that produces very fragrant white blooms in June. Lilacs also bloom around the same time. There are a large variety of Lilac shrubs to choose from ranging from white, pink, purple and variegated bloom colours. Their fragrance and fullness of blooms makes this shrub a must have for anyone who wants to bring the outside into their home. Buddleia shrubs bloom in the late summer months. These graceful branches will add beautiful lines to a flower arrangement filled with a variety of blooms or look fantastic on their own. This shrub comes in a variety of colours from white to various shades of purples and pinks. The blooms are also very fragrant. Check out this shrub…you will not be disappointed. Viburnum is the superstar of the fall blooming shrubs. Viburnums have it all…flowers, berries in the winter and attractive foliage. There is a wide selection of varieties to choose from so why stop at one…perhaps you have space for two! For the holidays, Yews and Junipers can be used for lovely indoor arrangements during the winter. Purchase some flowers and add in a few sprigs for evergreen from your own garden and voila you have a beautiful arrangement. These evergreen cuttings can also be enjoyed on their own in a variety of vases such as an elegant fluted vase to a mason jar. Boxwood shrub cuttings are extremely long lasting. There cuttings can be used as filler in an arrangement or on their own. In the winter the branches can be cut and decorated with miniature holiday decorations. Make a few and spread them around the house for some easy festive decor. Don’t forget Dogwoods for their stem colour. Red, Green and Yellow twigged Dogwood shrubs are easy to grow and cut. Stems from these shrubs can be used year round in arrangements. Mostly they are used in winter displays both inside the home and outside in winter arrangements. These shrubs will enhance your outdoor residential landscape in the Toronto area and can be used to beautify the inside of your home. Why not plant these double duty shrubs! Post written by: Shirley
by Christine | Mar 6, 2015 | Blog, The Landscape Lounge | 0 comments